Lee Benz the Homeschool Scholar is a great resource. Free newsletters and blog, you can get more if you join, it is worth it.

Knowledge Quest 13 lessons along with forms and check list at $3.95 each or purchase all for $49.00. Click the highlighted header to recieve a 5 day free mini course.

HSLDA has a wealth of free information, I like the links for individual curriculum under curriculum of course. There are some great resources for electives.

Donna Young has some helpful information on her site along with sample transcripts and downloads. Nice and simple and to the point.

Teens Cash Coach Patti Handy offers financial curriculum for teens get a sample sent straight to your email by signing up for her free weekly articles. 

ACT/SAT Conversion chart

College Board Inspiring Minds Recommended by Lee Binz for the reading, but all around great site for college bound students.

College Plus Blog informative information for the high school years.

Practice CLEP Tests Free practice tests online.

Heart of the Matter magazine, articles geared towards homeschooling high school.

Science Lab Report Example 

Brainstorming PDF's very extensive for a variety of writing uses along with vocabulary.

Word Nerd is another option for study vocabulary words for the SAT or PSAT.

Grockit Test Prep free trial $19.95 a month

Navigating College has a PDF for autistic students entering college.

mfwexploreers has a great blog concerning homeschooling high school includes links for transcript examples.

mfwexplorers another great blog concerning CLEP and other college information.

Homeschool College USA has links for free resources along with test prep

Khan Academy has SAT preparations, just type in SAT and view the options.