Thursday, February 2, 2012

Guest Blogger Answers

Kim Hall is a retired homeschool mom of 3 who delights in aiding others with her knowledge and wisdom of homeschooling. While Kim's answers are not necessarily the only answers, they are very uplifting and encouraging. Which for new homeschoolers starting out in the high school years will help ease some of their fears. Please feel free to leave a comment to aid others during this new adventure.

What is enough, especially for the high school years? Each state has different requirements. Following closely to what your state requires is a suggestion from HSLDA that we followed. That just keeps you in the safe area if ever audited so to speak. That said, in high school is a time when students can develop strengths that will be their gifted areas. While it is, in my opinion, a good idea to keep them well-rounded (that is why schools teach such a broad scope of subjects) be understanding in areas where they are not as gifted and help them expand their knowledge in areas that they are. For instance: My daughter was NOT gifted in math so we did the basics that were required if she went to school. Yet, we made sure she understood why. That this would give her a foundation of understanding in that subject. She was gifted in writing. So we allowed her to soar in this subject, challenging her along the way to work toward excellence. Today she balances her checkbook to the penny but still loves writing and journaling and has started on a book. 

 How do you know what you’re selecting for them to study is the right thing or is it just a waste of their time? A great question from a caring parent who knows the value of time. First, may I share with you a little query: What would you do... IF you were given 86,400? Can you imagine what you would be able to do with that? But, while this amount would be given to you daily, it would all expire at the end of the day to zero. So, you will want to use it all... now, what would you do with it? In actuality you ARE given that amount each day... in seconds. So, a wise person realizing that they do not compound but go away at the end of each day will choose to use them efficiently and well to make the more of them. So, good job! Now, when students are in their teens it is not a bad idea for them to try many different things to see where they are strong and where they are weak. Funny thing, our one son was weak in math to begin with BUT he determined to learn it and now has a degree in Finance. You never know which way they will go. Again, following state guidelines is important and really not so bad for the students. Learning the basics of all subjects is never a waste of time. While I hated history in high school I went on to find an appreciation in grown up life and even wrote a history/geography curriculum for home schoolers and taught it at a co-op. I did change from making the students memorize dates to understanding the time-line of history and the cause and effect. 

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