Tuesday, June 21, 2011

In My Email Today

I started subscribing to various newsletters to be able to determine which ones were truly worth having in my email box. Now with a high schooler on the way I have subscribed to newsletters geared towards him and our new adventure.

Today I received my weekly newsletter from Lee Benz The Homescholar and was surprised to see Win a Free Course from Founders Academy. However this contest is only for those who receive Lee's newsletter which contains helpful information on homeschooling the high school years.

I also am a member on various Yahoo e-groups, one for Homeschooling through College. This morning someone asked about Khan Academy, I heard of them and clicked on the link to refresh my memory. This site is free and includes various online videos and practice areas for mainly high school math and science. They also have videos and practice for the SAT. The practice is very simple with an equation being put up and a box where the student types in the answer.

There is so much information on the internet which can benefit homeschoolers. Newsletters and Yahoo groups are two great resources, I chose the daily digest for the Yahoo groups I belong to so my email is not overwhelmed. And when I deem a newsletter no longer needed I just unsubscribe, but not before I let others know the benefits.

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